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20 common phrases and words in Spanish

How cool! Awesome!

¡Qué padre! – How cool! Awesome!

Güey/Wey – dude (similar to “bro”)

¿Qué onda? – What’s up?

Chido/Chida – Cool, awesome

¡Qué hueva! – What a drag!

Esta cañón – it’s difficult, it sucks

Soy un chingon/una chingona – I’m the shit

¡No mames! – No way! Holy shit!

¡Órale! – Okay! Alright!

¡Qué oso! – How embarrassing!

Chácharas – Stuff, things, belongings

Codo/Coda – stingy, cheap

Feria – money

Me vale verga – I don’t give a fuck

Estar pedo/peda – to be drunk

¡A chingar a su madre! – Go to hell!

Eso es todo – that’s what’s up

Pendejo/Pendeja – dumbass

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This Spanish workbook is the perfect way to learn how to speak just like the locals do so that when you finally go on your dream vacation, you won’t have to worry about sticking out like a sore thumb! In just 60 days, you’ll be able to understand important grammar rules, learn entertaining conversation starters, and understand local slang words and phrases everyone uses.

Spanish in 60 Days: The Easiest, Most Conventional Spanish Language Learning Workbook

This Spanish workbook is the perfect way to learn how to speak just like the locals do so that when you finally go on your dream vacation, you won’t have to worry about sticking out like a sore thumb! In just 60 days, you’ll be able to understand important grammar rules, learn entertaining conversation starters, and understand local slang words and phrases everyone uses.

La Cucaracha Sara

Real Stories, Real Results​

Sara makes learning Spanish fun! She teaches not only the fundamentals but also cool expressions that you can use with friends/family right away!

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I've tried many ways to learn Spanish in the past but this book has given me the tools I needed to communicate my thoughts. Thank you for helping me start my language learning journey.
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As an American, this book is super helpful for learning Mexican Spanish. I've taken some Spanish classes and this is a really good refresher plus great for learning phrases actually spoken from a native speaker. Most textbooks/apps/etc. focus on Spain so this is a wonderful book to actually teach real phrases and build more confidence to communicate.

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